“Options Trading 101: Dive into the World of Derivative Trading” | What is CE And PE In The Share Market?


Welcome to our new blog post, where we’re embarking on an enlightening journey into the captivating world of options trading. An essential concept that every stock market enthusiast should grasp is the strategic use of Call (CE) and Put (PE) options. You may have heard stock market experts toss around these terms, leaving you wondering, “What on Earth are they talking about?”

Fear not, as we’re here to shed light on these mysteries. By merging the engaging field of options trading with the fundamental understanding of CE and PE, our goal is to equip you with knowledge power-ups for your stock market journey. These concepts are not just market jargon, they form the cornerstone of making conscious and calculated investment decisions.

Knowing the intricacies of options trading and the differences between CE and PE is crucial for comprehending the true worth of your investments in the share market. So, let’s jump in and decode the secret language of the stock market, one term at a time.

By the end of this post, you won’t merely understand these terms but will be ready to use them in your own investment conversations and strategies. Let’s unlock your potential to navigate the share market landscape like a pro!

What is Share Market?

Imagine a bustling marketplace. You’ve got sellers, buyers, a variety of goods, haggling, transactions, pretty much the works. Now, swap the fruits, vegetables, or any other products you might be thinking of with company shares, and voila! You’ve just imagined a Share Market!

The Share Market, also known as the Stock Market, is a place where people buy and sell parts of companies. These parts are known as ‘shares’. It’s like you’re buying a tiny piece of a big cake (the company). The more slices you own, the larger your part of the cake!

Now you might wonder, why is this even important? Well, the Share Market plays a critical role in our economy. For companies, it’s a way to raise money for growth and innovation. For individuals, it’s a chance to invest their money and potentially make it grow. By facilitating these transactions, the Share Market helps oil the gears of our economic engine, leading to prosperity and development.

Basic Terms in Share Market

Let’s discover some of the fascinating lingo used in the Share Market. Believe me, by the end of this section, you’ll sound like a bonafide market trader!

Stocks & Shares

These are the two all-stars of the Share Market show. “Stocks” refer to the ownership certificates of any company, while “shares” refer to a company’s stock. This means if you’re buying ‘shares,’ you’re buying a piece of the company, and hence, becoming a part-owner. Think of it as buying an actual brick in the construction of a company (figuratively, of course!).


Investors are the people who jump into the wild ride of buying and selling shares. They invest their money with the hope that the company they’re investing in will grow, increasing the value of their shares. It’s almost like betting on which horse will win the race, except here, everyone’s hoping for their horse to win.

Bull Market & Bear Market

These are cool ways to describe how the Share Market is doing. If it’s a ‘Bull Market,‘ it means share prices are going up, and it’s a good time to sell shares. Why a bull? Because bulls attack by thrusting their horns up in the air, just like the market trend!

On the other hand, a ‘Bear Market’ means share prices are falling, and it could be a good time to buy shares. Bears attack by swiping down with their paws, similar to a downward market movement.


These are like little gifts or rewards that companies give to their shareholders regularly. It’s the company’s way of saying, “Thank you for believing in us and investing your money!” But remember, not all companies pay dividends, and some might choose to reinvest their profits back into the business.

IPO (Initial Public Offering)

An IPO marks the birth of a company’s shares in the stock market. It’s like a grand debut, when a company first offers its shares for the public to buy. It can be an exciting time because, if the company does well, early investors could potentially score huge profits!

Market Capitalization (Market Cap)

This term might sound like a mouthful, but it’s just fancy talk for a company’s total value. To calculate it, simply multiply the share price by the total number of outstanding shares. Companies are often categorized as small-cap, mid-cap, or large-cap based on their market cap size.


An index is like a scoreboard for the Share Market. It tracks the overall performance of a group of selected stocks, giving you an idea of how the market is doing. Popular examples are the S&P 500, which tracks 500 of the largest U.S. companies, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which tracks 30 large U.S. companies.


This term is used to describe the collection of shares an investor owns. Just like a painter has a portfolio of their artworks, an investor has a portfolio showcasing their investment choices. Ideally, you want a diverse portfolio – meaning you’ve invested in different types of companies – to minimize risk and maximize profit potential.

And there you have it! You’ve taken the first step into the world of Share Market lingo. Now you can confidently throw out terms like “shares,” “bull market,” and “investors,” and keep everyone amazed at your super stock market knowledge!

Introduction to Options: Call (CE) and Put (PE)

In the world of stock market jargon, the terms “Call Option” (CE) and “Put Option” (PE) often pop up. These are slightly advanced concepts, but we assure you, they become significantly simpler with a little bit of explanation!

Options are essentially contracts that offer you the right, but not the requirement, to buy or sell shares at a specified price before a definite date. They provide you with the option (hence the name) to engage in these transactions, based on how you predict the market will behave.

Call Options (CE)

A Call Option (CE) grants you the right to buy shares by a certain date at a fixed price. This becomes beneficial when you forecast that the market price will rise in future.

Let’s say, for example, shares of a certain company currently cost ₹5000. You predict the price will climb to ₹7000 in the next few months. You purchase a Call Option, which allows you to acquire those shares at ₹5000 in the future. If the price indeed rises to ₹7000, congratulations, you’ve made a profit!

Put Options (PE)

Conversely, a Put Option (PE) empowers you with the right to sell shares by a specific date at an agreed-upon price. This becomes crucial if you expect the market prices to dip in the future.

Consider that a company’s share is going for ₹5000, and you anticipate it’ll fall to ₹3000. In this case, you’d get a Put Option that allows you to sell the share for ₹5000 in the future. If the price does decrease to ₹3000, you can still sell at the higher rate and make a profit!

A couple of quick terminologies: the pre-decided price at which you can buy or sell is known as the “Strike Price,” and the fee you pay for the option is the “Premium.”

So, there you have it! While Options may seem intimidating at first glance, understanding them unlocks a whole new level of strategic investing. The secret is making well-informed predictions about market trends and taking action accordingly.

Call Options (CE) Explained

To explore deeper into the domain of the stock market, let’s take a closer look at Call Options, one of the key derivatives used extensively.

Understanding Call Options

A Call Option (CE) is a financial contract which gives the option holder the right (but not the obligation) to purchase an underlying asset, such as shares of a company, at a predetermined price (the Strike Price) within a specific time frame.

The beauty of Call Options is that they allow an investor to amplify the potential profit while limiting the maximum loss to the amount of the premium paid for the option. However, keep in mind that the option holder must be correct about the direction of the market movement and timing of this movement.

Example of a Call Option (CE)

Let’s go through a practical example using rupees to understand this better.

Suppose you are bullish on Company X, whose shares are currently trading at ₹100. You believe the price will rise in the next three months. Hence, you can buy a three-month Call Option with a strike price of ₹110. This option might cost you a premium of ₹10 per share.

  1. Scenario 1 (Shares’ price rise): To your joy, the shares rocket to ₹150 within the three-month period. You now decide to exercise the option, and thereby buy the shares for ₹110. Since the market price is ₹150, you essentially earn a profit of ₹40 per share (₹150 – ₹110 – ₹10 for the premium).
  2. Scenario 2 (Shares’ price don’t rise): Unfortunately, the shares only rise to ₹105. This price is lesser than your strike price, so you decide not to exercise the option. In this case, your loss is limited to the premium you paid for the options, ₹10 per share.
  3. Scenario 3 (Shares’ price fall): The shares price take a complete reversal from your prediction and now stand at ₹90. But, since you’ve got a Call Option, the maximum loss you make is still limited to the premium you paid, ₹10 per share.

Managing Call Options require strategic planning and timing. It’s also essential to be accurate in your predictions and maintain a keen eye on the market trends.

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Put Options (PE) Explained

To further enhance your understanding of the stock market, let’s delve into Put Options, a crucial derivative instrument that investors employ in their strategies.

Understanding Put Options

A Put Option (PE) is a financial contract that grants the option holder the right (but not the obligation) to sell an underlying asset, such as shares of a company, at a predetermined price (the Strike Price) within a specific time frame.

Put Options enable an investor to profit from an anticipated decrease in an asset’s value. By using a Put Option, the investor can protect their holdings from substantial declines in value or take advantage of downward price movements.

Example of a Put Option (PE)

Let’s use a practical example involving rupees to better understand how Put Options work.

Imagine you hold shares in Company Y, which currently trade at ₹100. You are concerned that the stock price could drop considerably in the next three months. You can buy a three-month Put Option with a strike price of ₹90. The option might cost you a premium of ₹5 per share.

  1. Scenario 1 (Shares’ price fall): True to your prediction, the shares plunge to ₹60 within the three-month timeframe. You exercise the option, selling your shares for ₹90 each. Since the market price is ₹60, you avoid a loss of ₹30 per share (₹90 – ₹60 – ₹5 for the premium).
  2. Scenario 2 (Shares’ price don’t fall): Instead of dropping, the shares rise to ₹105. Since the stock price is above your strike price, you decide not to exercise the option. In this case, your loss is limited to the premium paid for the options, ₹5 per share.
  3. Scenario 3 (Shares’ price rise): Contrary to your prediction, the share price climbs to ₹120. Despite the incorrect forecast, you still only lose the premium you paid, ₹5 per share.

Executing Put Options effectively requires precision in market predictions and a comprehensive analysis of trends. By utilizing Put Options wisely, investors can manage their portfolios with greater protection.

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Why do Investors Choose Options?

Investors opt for Option trading due to its unique characteristics and potentials for high returns. Below are notable reasons and benefits associated with choosing Option Trading.


Options provide investors with more versatility than strictly buying or selling shares. They give the freedom to speculate on the direction of stock prices and allow investors to generate income from premiums.


Options are flexible in nature. They allow for a wide range of strategies, from simple buys and sells to complex combinations. This flexibility opens up an array of opportunities, giving investors the chance to create unique financial strategies to suit their goals.

Risk Management

Options could be used effectively as a risk management tool. Certain types of option strategies can help protect portfolios from potential losses. For instance, Put options can act like insurance for your portfolio, protecting against falling stock prices.


Options provide substantial leverage because they allow investors to control a large amount of stock with a relatively small investment (the premium). This could represent a significant profit if the market moves in a favourable direction.

Potential for High Returns

Options can provide higher percentage returns, often resulting in fast and large profits. However, it’s important to note that the potential for high rewards is coupled with significant risk.

When to Use Call and Put Options

Choosing when to use Call or Put options is dependent on an investor’s market predictions and strategic planning.

Call Options:

Investors choose to use Call Options when they forecast a rise in the price of an underlying asset. By buying a Call, they can leverage their position and amplify potential profits.

Put Options:

Conversely, when investors speculate a drop in the price of an asset, they may choose to buy a Put Option to protect their portfolio or to profit from the negative move.

Regardless of the option chosen, it is crucial to carefully gauge market trends, time frames and risk tolerance to optimize the utilization of these powerful investment instruments.

Risks Involved with Options Trading

While option trading can provide high potential rewards, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved. It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy, and missteps can lead to significant losses. Here are the primary risks associated with options trading:

1. Options Can Expire Worthless

Options are tied to an expiration date, after which they become worthless if not exercised. This means you can lose your entire investment (the premium paid) if the market does not move in the predicted direction within the option’s timeframe.

2. Complexity and Requirement of Correct Forecast

Options require a significant amount of skill and knowledge. Not only do investors need to be correct about the direction of the stock’s price move, but they also need to be right about the timing and magnitude of that move.

3. Potential for Large Losses

While the premium paid for an option limits the maximum loss, losses can still be substantial. A leveraged position amplifies both potential gains and potential losses. So, even though the relative percentage gains can be significant, the absolute amount of capital at risk can be substantial.

4. Market Volatility

Options are particularly sensitive to market volatility. Unpredictable and significant market movements can wipe out a position rapidly.

Minimizing Risks in Options Trading

Despite the inherent risks, there are ways an investor can mitigate potential losses.

1. Education and Practice

One of the best defenses against trading risks is knowledge. Understanding how options work and practicing trading strategies through simulator platforms can limit missteps and increase success chances.

2. Start Small

Especially for beginner traders, it’s advisable to start small and gradually increase the investment size with experience and gains.

3. Diversified Portfolio

Maintaining a diversified portfolio is essential to spread risk. Not all investments should consist of options— include stocks, bonds, and other assets to balance out the risk and protect against market volatility.

4. Set an Exit Strategy

An informed exit strategy is a must. This could mean setting parameters for when to sell if the market doesn’t move favorably or taking profits when the market has moved in your favor.

5. Follow Market Trends

Stay updated with market trends and economic indicators. The more accurate your predictions, the higher your chances of making a successful trade.

Remember, options trading requires a firm understanding of the process, continuous learning, and vigilant market observation.

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Guidance for Beginners in Options Trading

If you’re new to options trading, it’s crucial to heed the following advice and tips to make informed decisions and reduce potential losses:

1. Acquire Knowledge

Understanding the intricacies of options trading is essential. Begin by learning about the basics of options, types of options, option pricing, and the Greeks. Many resources are available online, including free courses, tutorials, webinars, articles, and forums. Books on options trading are also valuable resources.

2. Open a Demo Account

Before trading with real money, practice using a demo account or trading simulator. This will help you familiarize yourself with the trading platform and test different strategies without risking your capital.

3. Develop a Trading Plan

Your options trading plan should contain clear objectives, steps to achieve them, and risk management guidelines. Establish rules to follow consistently, including entry and exit strategies and stop-loss orders.

4. Start Small and Use Simple Strategies

As a beginner, it’s wise to start small and avoid overextending your capital. Gain experience and confidence by using simple strategies like long Call or long Put options. As you become more skilled, you may gradually explore advanced and complex strategies.

5. Risk Management

Applying risk management principles is crucial for sustained success in trading. Limit the percentage of your capital allocated to each trade, diversify your portfolio, and be prepared to step away from a trade if the risk becomes too significant.

6. Monitor the Market and Stay Updated

Follow and analyze market trends and stay informed about economic indicators that can impact stock prices. Develop a habit of reading insightful articles, research papers, and watching relevant news sources.

7. Seek a Mentor or Trading Community

Find a mentor or connect with a trading community to get insights and guidance. Participating in discussions with fellow traders can provide valuable lessons and expose you to new strategies and perspectives.

8. Track Your Progress and Review Your Trades

Maintain a trading journal to document your trades, strategies, and lessons learned. Regularly reviewing your trades helps identify weaknesses and areas for improvement.

9. Be Patient and Stay Committed

Options trading success does not come overnight. Be patient and commit to learning, practicing, and refining your strategy. Progress may be slow, but consistent effort and dedication will give you a solid foundation for success.

Remember, financial markets can be volatile, and options trading carries inherent risks. As a beginner, dedicating time to building a strong foundation, maintaining discipline, and managing risk will aid you in navigating the options trading landscape confidently.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Call (CE) and Put (PE) Options?

Call (CE) and Put (PE) options are types of derivative contracts that give buyers the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) an underlying asset at a specific price (strike price) on or before a certain date.

What are the Risks in Options Trading?

The primary risks associated with options trading include the potential for options to expire worthless, needing to accurately forecast stock price direction, magnitude, and timing, the possibility for substantial losses, and the sensitivity to market volatility.

How Can Beginners Start Trading Options?

Beginners should start by educating themselves about options, practicing on a demo account, developing an explicit trading plan, starting small using simple strategies, wisely managing their risk, staying updated on market trends, finding a mentor or joining a trading community, and continually reviewing their trades.

How Can I Minimize Risk in Options Trading?

Risk in options trading can be minimized through continuous learning, starting small, maintaining a diversified portfolio, setting clear exit strategies, and staying abreast of market trends.

What is the Potential for Profits in Options Trading?

Options trading can provide high potential returns, often resulting in rapid and significant profits. However, the potential for higher rewards is also coupled with significant risks.

What Are Some Useful Resources for Learning Options Trading?

Online resources such as free courses, tutorials, webinars, forums, and books can provide a wealth of information for beginners interested in options trading.


In summary, options trading presents a potent investment instrument with countless possibilities. By incorporating call and put options into your trading strategies, you open the door to substantial profits. However, the inherent risks of options trading demand proper knowledge, practice, and risk management.

For beginners interested in trading options, it’s essential to:

  1. Acquire knowledge and understand the fundamentals.
  2. Practice with a simulator or demo account.
  3. Develop and adhere to a trading plan.
  4. Use simple strategies and start small.
  5. Manage risks effectively.
  6. Stay informed about market trends.
  7. Connect with mentors or trading communities.
  8. Review your trading performance.
  9. Be patient and dedicated.

As you embark on your options trading journey, remain committed and expand your knowledge. Options trading rewards those who learn, practice, and adapt. In the future, we’ll explore additional facets of options trading, such as volatility trading, multi-leg strategies, and more entertaining narratives.

So, don’t hesitate. Dive deeper into the world of options trading and seize the opportunities that await!

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